UBC PHYS 420: RGB LED Thermometer
The purpose of this demonstration is to
demonstrate in an engaging
manor the existence of thermal radiation, and our ability to extract
meaningful information from it, using
the fruits of science and
engineering. There are many topics that this tool could be used to
demonstrate, but personaly
I used it to provide evedince for the existance of thermal radiation,
and demonstrate the aplicatition of
Stefans-Boltszmans law.
The demonstration tool is an arduion micro processor connected to an
MLX90614ESF-DAA-ND Sensor The arduino runs a code which
inturn emits PMW signals to current modulators
varrying the color producesd by an RGB LED. By doing so we have a
which emits red light when exposed to something hot,
and blue light when exposed to something cold, whild a spectrum of
differnet colors for
temperatures inbetween. By changing the script it is possible to adjust
the sensitivity of the color gradiant, but the
current code is meant to show the
full spectrum of colors in a
classroom invoronment. By using Glowdoodle and a webcam we are able to create
a picture showing the thermal environment
of the class room.
Under the following headings you can find, what
you will need and how to build the demonstration tool, a sample
using the demonstratin tool, as well as my
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