Inroduction – 5 Minutes
Introduce Myself
Intro about Phys 420 and UBC Phys
Intro about apparatus and what we will be doing
during the lesson
Main Body- 40 Minutes
Part 1- Intro to apparatus- 5 Mins
Run students through apparatus making sure they
understand it’s use
Explain how photogates work and measure the
distance between the two and also the angle between swing arm and ground
Explain Safety rules and ensure students are
aware of potential danger
Part 2- Launch Payload- 15 Mins
Launch Payloads of different masses and observe
results by measuring distances achieved.
Do many runs so that an average for each mass may be obtained. Record results on board
Record times for each mass as measured on the
timer, and record as well
Part 3- Calculations-20 Mins
Using the formulas from Physics of the project,
calculate max height, flight time, initial velocity, and range
***If time permits, we can change the launch
angle of the catapult to increase or decrease the above factors. To do so, simply raise or lower the entire
frame, and compute the formulas again.
Conclusion- 15 Minutes
Discuss results and how close our experimental data
was to our calculated results
Discuss sources of error and how they may have
affected our results, both human and apparatus error
Allow time for questions about the experiment,
UBC Physics, Phys 420 or UBC in general
Thank the class and the teacher for a wonderful