Water cooling Demo

The water cooling demo is a replication of the popular computer cooling method. The demo can demonstrate that water is more preferable as a cooling medium than air as it has higher thermal conductivity and higher specific heat capacity. The demo consists of a water block heatsink, a pump and a reservoir. The demo is used to compare head to head with air cooling. I used the same amount of air to cool an equivalent CPU. Temperatures were measured in both reservoir and we can see that air gets hot quite easily whereas water remains relatively cool.

Preliminary Design

The original design was for a complete water cooling system, but the current demo is only to show the different specific heat capacity. So the heatsink is taken out to keep all the heat inside the medium.

Finished Product

I ran out of acrylic glue, so I used liquid cement and a lot of silicon which made it very ugly. It still leaks though.

The tube is pretty stiff, so some measures were taken to secure it to the reservoir.


