Van De Graff Presentation Solutions




Protons - nucleus

Electrons – outer orbits

Neutrons – nucleus



2. Insulators hold on to their electrons tightly while electrons can easily move through conductors



3. Charge imbalance that occurs when 2 materials are rubbed against each other



4. Negative



5. 9



6. See diagram below



7. Repel



8. The electrons in our hair are attracted to the positive charges accumulated around the dome. Therefore, the positive charges in our hair repel against each other, causing it to stand



9. During a storm, clouds come together and harsh winds rub ice and dirt together, stripping electrons and causing a massive positive charge buildup. Therefore, electrons from the ground get transferred up



10. The ground has infinite electrons. The Van De Graff strip electrons from our bodies but we get the electrons back from the ground, creating a circuit with no charge imbalance. However, plastic is a good insulator which allows us to accumulate the positive charges in our bodies