- If you decrease drag by 1% on one 737 it saves $150 000 each year, so for a company that owns 100 aircraft it makes a
              huge difference to reduce drag             - pressure differentials (see overhead #4)
            - Low pressure on top, Higher pressure on bottom
            - Air wants to move from a high pressure zone to a low pressure zone

            --> Balloon Demo
                - Since air wants to move into low pressure zone, air pushes the wing up

      - Newton’s 3rd Law ( For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction)
            - Air creates force on wing, so wing puts a force on the air the same way that as I stand on the floor the floor is holding me up
              with the same force I exert on it
            - Same as treading water, you are pushing down on the water so the water is pushing up on you

            --> Collision Demo
                - P=F/A  There is a pressure acting on the area where the force is applied
                - Gives a high pressure on the bottom of wing

            - Air moving faster creates a low pressure (Moving air sucks – Bill Nye the Science Guy) (see overhead #5)
            - Can feel this effect when riding a bike and a MAC truck goes by on the highway
            - Air is moving faster on top side of wing then the bottom so there is a lower pressure on the top surface -> LIFT

            --> Flying Disk Demo (see overhead #6)
                - Why air moves faster over the wing then under it – Air hits bottom of wing and slows down as it changes direction

            - Stall is when the air is not moving flowing smoothly over the wing -> Loss of lift
            - Speed bump analogy

            --> Wind Tunnel Demo

            - Reasons to use different airfoils
              - Lift is created by a pressure difference on the top and bottom surfaces of the wing (see overhead #8)

            - The theory that we looked at today is only for aircraft that go less then the speed of sound (343m/s compared to you running at 4 m/s.)
            - Supersonic aircraft don’t follow this theory because air behaves differently once you move faster then the speed of sound so
              they use very different types of airfoils
