
For thousands of years mankind has been interested in the ability to fly. This can clearly be seen in the story of Icarus in which he covered his arms in wax and put feathers on them so that he could escape off of a cliff from the  Minotaur. However, he flew to close to the sun, the wax melted and he plummeted to his doom.

It was not until the 20th century that people were able to fly with better results than Icarus. And since then we have seen large improvements in flight. 

The two main theories of how lift force works are Bernoulli’s ideas on fluid dynamics applied to air, that is if there is less pressure on the bottom of the wing than on the top than a lift force is created and Newton’s third law, that is every action has an equal and opposite reaction; so if the wing directs the air in a downward direction then this law states that the wing will experience a lift force.

My goal in this demonstration is to demonstrate how Bernoulli's concepts work on a wing, then how Newton's third law is classically seen and how these two concepts can be tied together. The demonstration will finish with two extensions of these concepts, that is the stall point of an aircraft and how banking affects the stall point  


Construction of Demonstration



Tying the Two Together

Stall Stuff