
This demonstration is aimed at Grade 11 physics students. The demonstration uses a force plate to measure the impulse of a heavy mass being dropped on it, first without a helmet and then with a helmet. Using LoggerPro software we can analyze the Force vs. Time graphs of the impacts and calculate the impulse of the collisions.

This demonstration was designed by Eric Neal as part of the PHYS 420 course at the University of British Columbia.


The purpose of this demonstration is to reinforce concepts of collisions and impulse by making predictions and then measuring data for ourselves. This is done by analyzing a simplified view of the complex physics behind helmets in order to see how they actually protect our heads.

Learning Goals:

  • the relationship between impulse and Newton's 2nd Law
  • using the equation for impulse to understand the effects of wearing a helmet
  • using the work-energy principle to understand the effects of wearing a helmet
  • impulse is the area under the curve of a Force vs. Time graph
  • collecting and analyzing data
  • discussing results and possible sources of error