About Me



Welcome to my website! My name is Ashtan Mistal, and I am currently a double major in Physics and Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. I am also a teaching assistant for the Computer Science 110 course at UBC, an introductory course on systematic program design. Outside of this, I am a residence advisor on campus, where I support residents in their academic and personal development through a variety of programs and events and peer-to-peer support.

About Me and My Studies

Throughout my studies, I have developed a passion for computer graphics and computer vision, and this has helped shape some of my personal projects (see Projects tab on this page). Connection with the real world is what drives this interest: Computer graphics allows us to create virtual worlds that are indistinguishable from the real world, and also to simulate complex physical phenomena. The latter provides the forefront of scientific discovery, and is a key component of many of the technologies that we use today. Computer vision also provides interaction with the real world - this time in a conceptually opposite way, by allowing us to extract information from the real world through cameras and sensors and making sense of it and using it to make decisions. Both of these allow for greater integration and connection between the virtual and real worlds, and I am excited to see where this will go in the future.

Taking a combination of both Physics and Computer Science has allowed me to develop a strong foundation in both fields and also begin to understand the slice of knowledge that is the intersection between the two. I believe this intersection is where some of the most exciting and impactful research is being done.

In my spare time, I enjoy Tae Kwon Do, music production, digital art, mountain biking, hiking, and thrifting. Vancouver provides the perfect backdrop for all of these activities, and I am always looking for new ways to get outside and experience the city and the surrounding area.

I am always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow, and I am looking forward to seeing where this journey takes me. If you would like to get in touch, please feel free to reach out to me through the Contact page (see Contact tab on this page), whether you have any questions about the website material, or just want to chat. I'd be happy to answer questions if you're interested in any of the topics I've covered, or if you're interested in learning more about my experiences.


You can send me a message through here (clicking Submit will open your default email client), or reach out to me through any of the social media I've linked. LinkedIn is the best way to get in touch with me regarding professional opportunities.

Letters and spaces only


December 2022 - Present

A web application that allows users to create and edit notes using Markdown syntax. The UI is designed for ease of use and efficiency, inspired by the layout of the notetaking app Google Keep. The Markdown syntax allows for more complex formatting than a simple text editor, and the application is designed to be as lightweight, allowing for quick and easy note-taking. It also enables the user to input LaTeX math equations, which are rendered live using katex. The user can export notes as either Markdown or LaTeX files. The UI is built using Angular using Material Design components, and the backend is built in Typescript using Node.js. The project is intended to be a useful tool for taking notes and writing documents in a STEM academic environment.

Teaching Computer Graphics

September 2022 - April 2023

This website is the culmination of my PHYS 420 project, which is a series of hands-on and virtual demonstrations intended to teach secondary school students the basics of shading in computer graphics, and provide a theoretical basis for ray tracing. Virtual demonstrations are hosted on the website and are coded in WebGL, and hands-on demonstrations recreated the environment in real life, utilizing light to visualize the "ideal" shading of a surface. Ray-traced demonstrations were rendered using Blender and Cycles, and the website was coded using HTML, CSS, and some JavaScript.

Numerical Methods in Radiation Room Shielding

November - December 2022

Researched methods of Monte Carlo numerical approximation of particle interactions to determine the shielding effectiveness of a treatment room in a radiation therapy clinic. Discussed practicality of these methods and their limitations based on hardware constraints and applicability to the problem at hand. Compiled into a poster for the PHYS 404 class of 2022 at UBC.

Sports Team Database Management System

July - August 2022

Built a database management system for a sports team using Oracle SQL and Java as part of a course in database management, CPSC 304. Designed and implemented a database schema to store information about the team, including players, coaches, and games, as well as the ability to assign jobs to players and coaches among other tasks related to team management.

Monophonic Synthesizer

January - April 2022

Designed and built a monophonic synthesizer using the MSP 430 microprocessor as part of a laboratory course in electronics, PHYS 319. Utilized knowledge of digital electronics, microcontrollers, and audio synthesis techniques to implement the synthesizer, and created custom firmware for the MSP 430 to generate and manipulate audio signals in real-time. Developed understanding of circuitry, microcontroller programming, and audio synthesis techniques, and their applications. Built a button-based user interface using a breadboard to control the synthesizer.


July - August 2021

Rexfro (Regex Find and Replace Operator) is a Java Swing application that enables the user to perform an arbitrary number of different regex find-and-replace operations on multiple plain text documents at once, accelerating document conversion and translation in a user-friendly layout. This enables a much more efficient workflow for certain repetitive tasks that regular expressions are well-suited for, and enabling sequential find-and-replace operations to be performed in a single pass provides an extra dimension of workflow efficiency. Designed and implemented the user interface using Java Swing, and wrote the core functionality in Java.