
3 x 1meter long with 10cm outer diameter and 9cm inner diamter acrylic hollow tubing
30cmx90cm of flat acrylic sheet
1 liter vegetable oil
1 liter glycerol
1 liter water
Construction of Tubes:
Cut the acrylic hollow tubing into 3, 1 meter tubes.
Cut the flat acrylic sheet into 3 squares each 30cmx30cm.
On one edge of the tube, wet the entire circumference with acetic acid. Place this wet
edge onto the center of one of the 30cmx30cm flat acrylic sheets. The acetic acid will
seal the tube with the sheet. We found a syringe work very well.
Do the same for the rest of the tubes.
Allow the tubes to sit over night before filling them with fluid.
Test the demo first before presenting to an audience.
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