The Physics of Sustainable Electricity Generation


The purpose of this site is to give an overview of my project and presentation for Physics 420. The goal for my project is to introduce intermediate level elementary school students to the science behind electricity generation. An additional goal is to discuss the traditional sources of energy used to generate electricity and some of the problems associated with them, and then introduce some sustainable methods that do not have the same environmental impact, such as wind and solar power. My intended outcome for the presentation is for students to become more interested in the science of electricity generation, and to help them understand the importance of trying to find less harmful sources of energy for producing electricity. To the right is an abstract diagram showing the layout of my demonstration system.

Below are links to the various topics discussed during the presentation:

  1. Outline of Presentation Topics
  2. Brainstorming and Discussion
  3. The Physics of Solar Arrays ( aka Photovoltaic Arrays )
  4. Photos of Demonstration of Solar Array and Battery Storage
  5. The Physics of Wind Turbines
  6. Experiment - Constructing a Paper Pinwheel
  7. Photos of Demonstration of Wind Turbine
Thank you to all the people who helped me to put this project together. You can see the acknowledgments for this project here.

Here are some links to sites that have lots more information about sustainable energy.

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This site was created by James Rowe, April 2002. You may use any material from this site, but please give acknowledgement if you do.
If you find any problems with the site, please contact me or UBC Physics Outreach.