Physics and Physiology Principles

Blood flow involves several important aspects of physics. One key topic that is involved in blood flow is pressure or fluid dynamics. Throughout my lesson plan, students will have the opportunity to learn about the following physics concepts: Bernoulli’s Principle a. Explain that an increase in the speed of a fluid results in a decrease in pressure or potential energy Venturi Effect a. Explain that a decrease in pressure results when fluid flows through a smaller section b. When plaque builds up in blood vessel, the Venturi effect can be observed Continuity Law a. Explain how fluid velocity increases through a narrow section (smaller diameter) and slows compared to a larger section (larger diameter) b. Discuss with students about blood flowing from an artery (larger diameter) to a capillary (smaller diameter) Viscoelasticity a. Explain that "scientists have characterized blood vessels as an elastic material that can be stretched and recoiled by the pressure of the blood flowing through it. However, researchers have also identified a viscous nature in the vessels as well. Blood vessels use this fluid nature (although the viscosity of a blood vessel is probably closer to molasses than water) to absorb some of the high peak pressures due to blood flow." (Chang & Latourelle, 2003, pg.10). b. Advise students on how to identify properties of blood vessels:     i. Are blood vessels hard like pipes? Is it like stretchy like gum?     ii. Blood vessels are able to handle high blood pressures due to its stretching/deformation abilities Source:S Chang, Y., & Latourelle, S. (2003, December 3). The Physiology Behind How Blood Vessels Work. Retrieved October 7, 2017, from